We’re Similar… The Foundation & Alumni Association are similar in that both organizations have events and fundraising activities, engagement opportunities, scholarships, and a broad communications outreach.
We’re Different… Although both organizations share a member base, historically they’ve provided different services. The primary focus of the Foundation has been fundraising; the primary focus of the Alumni Association has been alumni engagement (fun-raising!).
We Have Overlap… Since the Affiliation, the Foundation & Alumni Association now have significant overlap in several areas, including combined office space, address, and phone number, data management, communications, and reunion/alumni support.
We Can Be Stronger… As a logical outgrowth of the continuing efforts of both organizations to serve our schools and alumni, we believe that proactively combining our organizations will escalate the work of those who have guided the Foundation and Alumni Association since their founding. Both organizations operate efficiently, but a merged organization will further streamline those operations.
We believe that a strategic alliance that combines alumni relations, development, and communication will deliver world-class awareness and alumni engagement, encourage philanthropy, and sustain the future of Wyoming City Schools.
Follow along with us over the next several months as we explore the relationship between the WHS Alumni Association and Wyoming School Foundation, our strengths, and why we feel becoming one organization will enhance our ability to engage donors & alumni, serve our schools, and advance our mission.
If you have any questions or curiosities, please email office@wyomingschoolfoundation.org or whsaacommunications@gmail.com.